
Everything, but ordinary usual!

No more stickers on the nets!

Towards the integrated zipper system. This makes hail protection nets faster, safer and more economical.

Save time from day one
with hail protection nets from CMG.

This innovative hail protection net connects the zipper directly to the hail net. This ensures fast opening and closing of the nets at all times.
It takes about 25 to 35 minutes per hectare. Only 2 safety badges at the beginning and end of each row, 114 per hectare instead of the traditional 2,200 per hectare, resulting in enormous savings. We have tested it for you. Thanks to CMG, closing the nets is 3 times faster than with conventional systems. Freeing up time for things that really matter!

Your safety is our responsibility

The optimal protection, for a tested safety!

Hail protection systems tested by CMG:
DIN EN ISO 10319, DIN EN ISO 10321, DIN EN ISO 2062 and DIN EN 16732

> Here more about our new hail protection systems >

“We don’t sell products, we sell solutions”

– the CMG principle

Specialized license distribution partners

Thanks to our trusting cooperation with our specialist dealers, our hail protection nets are available throughout Europe. For any information please visit our contact page, where you will find all the information about your country.

Italy  –  Austria  –  Germany  –  Switzerland  –  Hungary – France  –  Belgium  –  The Netherlands

> Contact our partners >

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